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Losing Weight by Eating Healthy Food Is A Way of Life

Losing weight by eating healthy food is a great weight loss regimen. It capitalizes on the fact that eating is one of the main needs of an individual. Often, the main cause of diet is the inability to control one's appetite and suppress cravings. Excessive food intake is one of the main causes of obesity. Food is the reason for weight gain. It is also the way to lose weight. We should start looking at food as our
friend; it should not be our enemy. This article mainly aims to discuss the different kinds of food to consume in order to initiate weight loss.
Before anything else, it is but proper to first discuss the meaning of healthy food. Generally, healthy food is defined as the kinds of foods that are beneficial to one's health. Healthy food often has high nutritional content. At times, some also define it as food that claim to have specific health benefit claims. Foods that claim to prevent and cut back on a certain disease can be considered as healthy food. Aside from that, healthy food is also referred to as the opposite of junk food. Putting this definition in mind, let us now list some healthy foods.
One type of food that can help you in your weight loss is oats. They are a species of cereal grains grown from different parts of the world. It is a favorite breakfast of those on the go. But did you know that 100 grams of oat contains 66.3 grams of Carbohydrates, 1,628 kJ of energy, 10.6 grams of Dietary Fiber, 16.9 grams of Protein, 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), 56 μg of vitamin B9, 54 milligrams of Calcium, 177 milligrams of Magnesium, 5 milligrams of Iron and 429 milligrams of Potassium. Clearly, oats are loaded with vitamins and minerals. You get all these minerals but with less fat. Aside from that, oats also aid in digestion. It also lowers the body's blood cholesterol thus cutting back the risk of heart disease.
Another type of food that can help you in weight loss is lentils. It is a legume, just like nuts and beans. It prevents insulin from shooting up. Thus it stops the creation of excessive fat around the abdominal area. Dr. Jonny Bowden, Ph. D included lentils as the most health foods in his book entitled 'The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth'. Lentils are a good source of fiber. It thus helps in suppressing appetite and satisfying hunger. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels. Aside from aiding weight loss, lentils have high folic acid content. Folic acid prevents the occurrence of birth defects. It also cuts back the risk of dementia, heart diseases, and bone fractures.
In losing weight by eating healthy food, one must remember to also eat healthy food in right amounts. In reality, there are no good or bad foods. There are just foods eaten in wrong and excessive amounts. In order to lose weight, you don't have to stop eating the fries, hamburgers and steaks; you just have to cut back on the intake. You have to always keep in mind the concept of the food pyramid. The food pyramid is your perfect guide to the amounts you should take each of the food groups. Basically, you just need to have more amounts of those food groups on the bottom than of those on the top.
In dieting, never make very abrupt changes. To get optimum weight loss results, take small and gradual steps. Give the body the time to adjust to your changes. Dieting is not just a regimen; it is a way of life. Losing weight by eating healthy food should be a way of life.
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