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Target Healthy Food and Nutrition

By Justin Willis 
Hi everyone,

Why not come by my site which I hope you will find informative and useful. To target healthy food in the current world can be quite difficult, we have less time than ever before and we are always looking to cut corners and save some time for us.
Unfortunately, cutting corners affects our health and nutrition. I hope the information inside this web site helps in your quest for a new healthier lifestyle and together we can change your life forever!

the ultimate guide to weight loss
benefits of detoxing your body
how to kick start muscle growth
practical cookery advice
food theory
great tasting recipes
Health and nutrition go hand in hand and it is advisable to understand what is actually healthy. Just because a restaurant gives you "Healthy Choices" doesn't mean they are healthy options, just healthier in comparison to the normal menu.
Planning and knowledge is the best way to determine how to target healthy food for a healthy lifestyle.

Most people who opt to diet, build muscle or just decide to get healthier fail before they start. Without careful planning and understanding, there is no right or wrong, good or bad, false hope and expectation. We all need a plan in life to succeed. Plan before action. Plan during action. Plan following action. All three are important.

How to target healthy food with planning.

Contrary to what you have been taught, it is not about taking chips off your menu or chocolate or pizza ...... You can and should be able to eat what you want. Everything in moderation is the key. Just by understanding the benefits of a good health and nutrition program, you can protect yourself against diseases and feel great packed with lots of energy.

Foods are to be enjoyed and savoured. There are no "naughty foods" or "good foods".

Planning meals is what determines whether the meal will be healthy or not

Forget the fad diets! Target healthy food to eat and be healthy!

IMPORTANT!!! For health and nutrition

One third of your diet should be packed with fruits and vegetables. Aim for five portions per day.

One third of your diet should be starchy foods such as breads, cereals, potatoes, pasta and rice. Aim for 2 to 3 portions per day.

The final third should be split into three parts. 2 to 3 serves of milk and dairy per day, 2 to 3 serves of meat or fish per day and very small amounts of foods containing fats and sugars.

As a very rough estimate, men should consume 11,500 kj per day and women 7,800 kj per day. Everybody is unique and all have different body shapes and varying degrees of activity so don't take these figures as gospel. 140kj per 1kg weight is the average recommendation.

Also inside this site, we will learn and discover the basics of food groups and how they should be incorporated in your diet for a healthy balanced diet. We will analyse the benefits of nutrients and which foods they are in. What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle? This health and nutrition guide will be regularly updated.

Obesity - We will investigate obesity in adults and children. What are the causes of obesity and how do we combat it.

BMI - Take a look at the body mass index calculator to find the recommended range for your body.

Tips for healthy eating - Simple straight forward to do list to help steer yourself to a healthy eating lifestyle.

Target weight loss - A good healthy eating program and exercise is the focus of losing weight. We will661434_woman analyse the benefits of "super foods" in our diet. Do fat loss diets work? If you want better weight control, more self esteem, to feel and look better, lots of energy and knowing that changes made today will have long term benefits to your health then this site is for you.

My top 3 fat loss programs

The effects of detox on the body - Do we need to detox our body? How to detox your body with a detox cleansing diet. Can you lose weight with detox? What are the benefits to detoxing? What about side effects? So many questions!!

The secrets to building lean muscle mass - Stop paying for supplements with promises to make you big and ripped. Don't believe the hype in the magazines. They want you to buy their magazines and their supplements. Understand how they work and if they will work for you and how harmful are they to your body. If you don't want to get sick, keep your testosterone production and prevent man boobs through excessive oestrogen levels then stop and educate yourself. How to build muscle mass steroid free. Which foods have anabolic effects are naturally occurring.

Basic cooking for beginners - We cover the basics of cooking including the effects heat has on food and the different ways of cooking. Do you want to learn to cook like a chef? This site is growing and will be updated regularly so keep checking!!

Fresh, quick and easy healthy recipes for the whole family - Have a dinner party and surprise your friends and cook various healthy food recipes from all around the world. I will keep the methods as simple as possible and easy to understand. Lots of Mouth Watering recipes will be added on a regular basis, including healthy recipes for kids. Keep a check!!

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Thanks for visiting


Visit [] for advice on food, nutrition and weight loss.

Have a nice day

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